Tobacco & Alcohol Quiz

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1. Which one of the following is not a symptom of smoking?
A) Obesity.
B) Throat cancer.
C) Stroke.
D) Emphysema.
E) Fat deposits in the arteries.

2. The organ that is responsible for chemically breaking down the alcohol in the blood is the:
A) pancreas;
B) kidneys;
C) liver;
D) stomach;
E) heart.

3. Which one of the following is attributed to smoking and directly linked to heart attacks?
A) Thickening of the left ventricle.
B) Thickening of the pulmonary vein.
C) Fat deposits in the arteries.
D) Failure of the aortic valve.
E) Weakening of the right atrium of the heart.

4. A wine bottle has the label shown on the left. A person pours 250 mL into a glass. How many standard drinks will the person have consumed after drinking the glass of wine?
A) 2.5
B) 1
C) 2
D) 3
E) 3.5

5. The structures shown on the right are found in the:
A) liver and assist in the removal of nicotine from the blood;
B) lungs and increase the surface area for the exchange of gases;
C) liver and assist in the removal of alcohol from the blood;
D) kidneys of mammals and help in pumping blood around the body;
E) pancreas and help absorb oxygen into the blood.

6. Alcohol is a:
A) natural chemical that allows for quicker reflex action;
B) drug that enables athletes to perform at a more intense level;
C) drug that stimulates the stomach to absorb less nutrients from the food;
D) central nervous system depressant;
E) stimulant that speeds up nerve communication in the brain.

7. The symptoms of emphysema include shortness of breath which gets worse as activity increases. Emphysema is caused by:
A) destruction of the mouth as a result of smoking;
B) destruction of the liver as a result of having one cigarette;
C) destruction of the kidneys as a result of having one cigarette;
D) destruction of lung tissue over a long period of time;
E) destruction of lung tissue as a result of having one cigarette.

8. On average, alcohol is removed form the body at a rate of:
A) 10 mL of ethanol every hour;
B) 100 mL of ethanol every hour;
C) 3.0 mL of ethanol every hour;
D) 30.0 mL of ethanol every hour;
E) 30.0 mL of ethanol every 30 minutes.

9. One standard drink contains:
A) 40.0 mL of ethanol;
B) 2.0 mL of ethanol per 100 mL of drink;
C) 30.0 mL of ethanol;
D) 20.0 mL of ethanol;
E) 10.0 mL of ethanol.


The common "Smokers Cough" is due to:

A) damage to the cough reflex centre at the back of the throat;
B) damage to the cartilage of the airways;
C) damage to the tiny air sacs called alveoli;
D) destruction of the mucus producing cells lining the airways;
E) damge to the cilia projecting from the cells lining the airways.

11. Which of the following can speed up the removal of alcohol from the body?
A) Sleeping.
B) Exercising.
C) Strong coffee.
D) Cold shower.
E) None of the above will speed up the removal of alcohol from the body.

12. Consider the 375 ml cans of wine shown on the right. The can is labelled as 12% alcohol by volume. How long will it take the liver to remove all the alcohol from the blood if both cans were drunk quickly?
A) 4 hours and 30 minutes
B) 9 hours
C) 5 hours
D) 90 minutes
E) 3 hours

(c) Dynamic Science