9 Nervous System & Endocrine System TEST

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1. Which one statement below is true?
A) The nerve signal is always transmitted away from the cell body.
B) The nerve signal is always transmitted towards the cell body.
C) The nerve signal never arrives at the cell body.
D) The nerve signal can travel both away from the cell body and towards the cell body.
E) The nerve signal does not travel along the cell but stays in the cell body.

2. A reflex arc results in a response:
A) that only involves sensory neurons;
B) that is processed by the brain before an action is initiated;
C) that does not involve brain processing;
D) that only involves motor neurons;
E) that does not involve sensory or motor neurons;

3. Myelin is a very important component of the nervous system. Which one statement below is true?
A) Myelin is a chemical that is not found in the brain.
B) Myelin can be found inside a nerve cell where it creates chemical energy to keep the cell functioning properly.
C) Myelin is the chemical that is released into the synapse.
D) Damage to the myelin is the cause of Multiple Sclerosis.
E) Myelinated nerves conduct the signals 200 times slower than unmyelinated nerves.

4. There are many centres in the brain that have specialised functions. These areas must be well coordinated and connected with each other. How is this different to a reflex action?
A) The brain is responsible for all reflex actions and therefore there is no difference between a reflex action and the type of response depicted on the right.
B) Reflex actions involve less neurons while being processed in the brain.
C) A reflex action is not processed in the brain and takes less time for a muscle response to be initiated.
D) A reflex action is processed in the brain by the centre responsible for motor control and takes less time for a muscle response to be initiated.
E) A reflex action is processed in the brain and because of the fast connections between different regions of the brain it takes less time for a muscle response to be initiated.

5. When a signal arrives at the axon, changes to the membrane take place that make it:
A) permeable to negative chloride ions;
B) permeable to positive sodium ions;
C) softer and easier for the signal to be transmitted;
D) permeable to neurotransmitters;
E) harder and less flexible.

6. Nerve cells form networks in which electrical signals are transmitted. Which one statement below is true?
A) The signal that passes from one nerve to another is generated by a small electrical discharge.
B) A neurotransmitter is an electrical signal that travels along a nerve cell.
C) Nerve cells do not make connections with other nerve cells.
D) The membranes of neighbouring nerve cells touch which makes it easy to transmit signals.
E) Nerve cells transmit signals to each other by releasing chemicals into the synapse.

7. Where are myelin sheaths found?
A) Surrounding tendons and ligaments in joints.
B) Surrounding muscle cells and insulating them from cold.
C) Surrounding the axon of nerve cells.
D) Surrounding the brain and forming a fluid filled capsule.
E) In joints where it helps in lubrication.

8. Consider the diagram on the right. Which one comment below is true?
A) "A" is the myelin sheath.
B) "B" is the nucleus of the cell.
C) "C" is a dendrite.
D) "D" is an axon.
E) "A" is a myelin cell.

9. The salivary gland is an example of:
A) an endocrine gland;
B) a ductless digestive gland;
C) an exocrine gland;
D) an endocrine gland with ducts to the external environment;
E) a ductless gland.

10. Endocrine glands differ from exocrine glands in that:
A) endocrine glands do not use the blood to transport their chemicals while exocrine glands do;
B) endocrine glands are smaller and found near the digestive tract while exocrine glands are bigger and found near the skin;
C) endocrine glands produce hormones while exocrine glands do not;
D) endocrine glands have ducts and secrete their products outside the body;
E) endocrine glands have no ducts and secrete their products inside the body.

11. Aldosterone is an endocrine hormone because it is released:
A) by the adrenal gland into the blood stream,
B) by the pituitary gland into the surrounding tissues and does not travel in the blood,
C) by the hypothalamus in response to a low blood water content,
D) by all endocrine glands in the body,
E) to the outside by glands with ducts to the surface of the skin.

(c) Dynamic Science