Black box exercises


A simple machine, such as a lever, can change the direction of motion, magnify force or distance.

Material needed - predrilled icy-pole sticks, cardboard and paper split pins, as shown on the right.

.Construct a black box so that a lever is pushed in 1 cm while another lever also moves in 1 cm on the other side of the box. Ask fellow students to draw what they think is the mechanism inside the black box. All internal parts of the black box must be concealed.

The solution to this black box exercise is shown

Now complete the following black box exercises.

A lever is pushed in 2 cm while another lever moves in 1cm.

Draw what you think the solution might be before constructing the black box.


A lever is pushed in 1 cm while another lever moves out 1 cm.

Draw what you think the solution might be before constructing the black box.

A lever is pushed in 1 cm while another lever moves out 3cm.

Draw what you think the solution might be before constructing the black box.

Ask fellow students to explain how extra distance can magically be created.