Relative size of micro-organisms.

nanometre = 10-9 m



Medium sized molecule is of the order of 1 nanometer

Cell membrane is about 10 nanometres thick
Virus -smallest known reproducing organism. Size is of the order of 10-100 nanometres.
Bacteria are bigger than viruses at about 1,000 to 3,000 nanometres. Bacteria are shown sitting on the point of a pin.
The picture on the right shows viral particles infecting a bacterium.
Relative size of white blood cell and bacteria (red)
Red blood cell is about 10,000 nanometres wide.

If a red blood cell was 1 metre wide how big would the following be relative to the red blood cell?

A bacterium 3,000 nanometres long.

A virus particle 100 nanomtres long
A cell membrane 10 nanometres thick will be