

Kingdom - Animalia (is an animal)

Phylum - Chordata (has a back bone)

Class - Mammalia ( warm blooded and feeds its young on milk)

Order - Carnivora (meat eater)

Family - Felidae (is a type of cat)

Genus - Panthera ( it is a tiger, lion, jaguar, or leopard)

Species - Tigris

According to your knowldege of the animals shown here answer the following questions.

1) Three kingdoms are represented here the fungi, ______ and the _______.

2) What type of animals are excluded from the phylum Chordata?

3) Why are chimps excluded from the order carnivora?

4) What do you know about a tiger looking at the classification system?
a) Is it an animal?
b) Does it have a spine?
c) Is it warm blooded?
d) Does it eat plant matter?
e) What type of animal is it?
