
Consumers, also referred to as heterotrophs, are a group of organisms that must obtain their food by eating other organisms or parts of them, including the faecal matter.

The food chain on the right shows the relationship of a group of organisms.

The cow, wolf and the worm are all consumers, however, they are quite different consumers. We have several groups of consumers the:

- herbivores,
- carnivores,
- omnivores,
- detritivores.


The cow is a herbivore. Herbivores eat plant matter only. Examples of herbivores include, grasshoppers, caterpillars, koalas and kangaroos.


Carnivores eat other animals. They include dogs, snakes and insects such as the dragonfly.



Omnivores eat both plant and animals. This group includes humans, crows, flies, pigs and foxes.


Detritivores eat decomposing organic matter, including the faeces of animals as well as the dead remains of animals and plants. This group includes the dung beetle and worms.

Organic material that constitutes dead plant or animal matter or the waste products of animals is called detritus. This is why organisms feeding on such matter are known as detritivores.

The image on the right shows a time lapse of the dung beetle feeding on cow waste.

1) The dragonfly larva is shown in the food chain on the right. The insect larva is a



2) An earth worm is a farmers best friend. The image on the right shows a worm eating a dead leaf.

a) To what group does the worm belong to?

b) The worm is sometimes referred to as a decomposer. Why is this wrong?

c) Worms are great for the soil. They tunnel into the soil creating air vents which aerate the soil. What other activity of the worms is beneficial for the soil?



3) The impact of feral pigs to agriculture is estimated to be more than $100 million annually. Impacts include predation on domestic animals such as sheep and goats, eating crops and damage to pastural land by digging the soil and water fouling.

a) The feral pig can be classified as a

b) Construct a simple food chain, Include a herbivore, carnivore, producer and indicate where the feral pig takes its place amongst the members of the food chain.

4) Consider the foodweb on the right. Label the foodweb by selecting from the options below.

A is most likely a

B is most likely a

C is most likely a

D is most likely a

E is most likely a