Dissection of a fish

What are the special features of the fish anatomy that enable it to live in water?
Examine the fish and write a brief account of the following.
-Note the shape of the body. Is this shape common to most fish? Explain.
-What is the role of the tail?
-Describe the location of the fins. What is the role of the fins?
Click to see a 120kb video of a fish swimming.
Run you fingers along the body of the fish from tail to head.
What do you feel?
Can you think of any reason why fish have scales?

Locate the gill covers and sketch their shape.
Now carefully cut away the gill covers and draw the shape of the gills.
Explain why gills have this unique shape?
What is the role of the gills?
Explain why the gills have a deep, red colour?
Carefully cut out the gills and place them in a beaker full of water.
Sketch the appearance of the gills when placed in water.

Carefully dissect the fish as shown by your teacher.
Why is the backbone of the fish very flexible?
How does this help the fish live in water?
Click to see a picture of a partially dissected fish.
Does a fish have:
-a heart?
-an intestine?
-a liver?
-a spleen?
What is the function of each organ mentioned above?
The gonad appears to be a relatively large organ. What is the function of the gonad?
Click to see another picture of a dissected fish.