Behaviour of
the falling stick

Stick insects behave in ways that help their chance of survival. A juvenile spiny leaf insect (click to see a 120kb movie) will remain perfectly still when it falls to the ground. This behaviour has certainly proven successful.  

Stick insects can remain motionless for great lengths of time. This makes them less likely to be detected by dangerous predators out for a good meal.

When stick insects fall to the ground from branches they stay perfectly still rather than quickly crawling away to safety.

Click to see a 60kb movie

Suggest why this behaviour has evolved as opposed to running away to shelter.
Look at the image below. Can you identify the stick insect in the picture?

A male Spiny Leaf Insect is sitting motionless  on the ground after falling from a branch. If you can not identify the insect pass the cursor over the image to locate it.
As the insect moves through the air flapping its cumbersome wings it is easily spotted by a predator. However as it lands (especially amongst the branches and leaves of a tree) it is near enough impossible to spot.


No!  its not here Bingo! you found it.