Heart dissection cont.

Why are the walls of the atrium so thin when compared to those of the ventricle?
The aorta The vena cava
The picture on the left shows the vena cava (major vein) on the left and the aorta on the right. Note the relative thickness of each vessel.
Use a digital camera to document your dissection. Label the following and outline their location and function .

- interventricular septum,

- papillary muscles,

- chordae tendinae,

- right ventricular wall,

- left ventricualr wall,

- tricuspid valve,

- mitral valve (bicuspid),

- trabeculae carneae.

- moderator band

Compare the difference in thickness between the left and right ventricles. Explain why there is such a difference.

Locate the two semilunar valves, the aortic and pulmonary valves, which are in the arteries leaving the heart. Describe the structure of these valves. What is their function ?