How does a vaccine work Prior reading = immune system

View the video on the right.

1) What is a pathogen?

2) What is the purpose of a vaccine?

3) What is a vaccine?

4) Describe the role of an Antigen Presenting Cell?

5) What is the role of B-Cells in the immune response?

6) What is the role of T-Cells in the immune response?


i. What are antibodies?

ii. How do antibodies work?

iii. Why are antibodies a hallmark sign of protection against a pathogen?

8) How does the HIV respond once it has infected the body?

9) How does a memory cell come about and what is it's role?

10) What is the effect of a vaccine?

11) On the right is a graph showing the antibody concentration to a particular pathogen on vaccination and on infection after vaccination.

a) What is the difference in the body's response?

b) What effect will this have on the pathogen?

12) What is vaccination?  
13) What is immunisation?  
14) What is inoculation?  
15) What is herd immunisation?

Continue with an assignment on the opposition to vaccines.