Common scientific language gives us a way to communicate with each other. This language consists of words put together from words with Greek and Latin roots.
Knowing a few of these roots you can decipher the meaning of a great number of scientific terms.
For example, below are some Greek roots

Haplo = single or simple.
Diplo = double
Pheno = showing
Homo = same
Hetero = different
Geno = race
Photo = light
Meiosis = lessening
Gonos = genital
Telo = end
Pedi = child
Poly = many
Pro = before or in front.
Chromo = colour.
Eu = true
Karyon = nucleus.
Centro = from the Greek word kentron = centre
Kinesis = movement.

Click on the words below


Homologous chromosome




1) An area on a chromosome where a gene is expected to be found is known as a

2) A dog has two genes for the colour of its fur, gene A and gene B. Genes A and B are known as
3) A length of DNA that codes for a protein is known as a
4) A copied chromosome attached to the parent chromosome is known as a
5) Two sister chromatids are held together by a
6) A diploid cell has sets of
7) A haploid cell is found in the of a human
8) A dog is carrying two identical genes for skin colour, one from its mother and other from its father. The dog is an example of a
9) After cell division the daughter cells have half the chromosomes of their parent cell. This is an example of
10) A haploid cell is most likely a
11) A black dog has two genes for fur colour one for black and one for white. The colour of the dog is known as its
12) is the process by which a cell divides to give two identical daughter cells all having of chromosomes as the parent cell.
13) When compared to the parent cell, gametes are
14) During cell division microtubules form under the direction of the

Using the Greek roots listed above answer the following questions.

Which of the following best defines each term? *Hint - Refer to the root.

15) Homologous chromosome

16) Gonadotropins are hormones that stimulate the *Hint - Refer to the root (Gonos)

17) Kinetochore is associated with the   *Hint - Refer to the root (kinesis)

18) A telomere is a   *Hint - Refer to the root (Telo)

19) A dog has two genes of eye colour a gene coding for blue and a gene coding for brown. This is an example of a

20) A phototrophic organism is an   *Hint - Refer to the root (Photo)

21) Pediatrics is the area of medicine dealing with *Hint - Refer to the root (Pedi)