Aerobic vs anaerobic cellular respiration.


Aerobic Respiration

Anaerobic Respiration

Definition Aerobic respiration uses oxygen. Anaerobic respiration is respiration without oxygen;
What cells use this process Aerobic respiration occurs in most cells. Anaerobic respiration occurs in bacteria, yeasts, some prokaryotes, red blood cells, and in muscle cells.
Final products Glucose is completely broken down into carbon dioxide and water Glucose is partially broken down into lactic acid (in lactic acid fermentation) or into ethanol and carbon dioxide, as occurs in yeast cells during alcoholic fermentation.
Amount of energy released per glucose molecule Between 36-38 ATP molecules Only 2 ATP molecules
Reactants glucose, oxygen glucose
Site of reactions Cytoplasm and mitochondria Cytoplasm
Stages Glycolysis, Krebs cycle Glycolysis, Fermentation