
Most clothes items have labels that identify the material used. Plastics feature dominantly in the clothes manufacturing industry.
Look at the label on the right.
Identify the natural polymer and the man-made polymer.
Why is it that many clothes contain a mixture of artificial polymers?
What type of polymer structure do the fibers have? Are they thermosetting or thermoplastic?
Where else in the home is the polymer polyester used?

Motor vehicles now days are very cheap compared to many years ago. One of the reasons is that many of he components are made of plastic. Identify the plastic items(items made of polymers) in this picture.

Compare the polymer structure of the bumper bar and the tyre.


This spatula was placed in a hot pan. As you can see it started to melt at the very tip.

Draw the polymer structure of this plastic.

Can this spatula be remoulded by heat?



Which two of the monomers above can be used to create the plastic that this spatula is made from? Explain.