Transition metal complexes

part 3


Complexes of iron

Place 3ml of 0.1M iron(II)sulfate solution into a small test tubes.

Add a few drops of potassium thiocyanate.
Fe(SCN)+2 ions are formed.
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The solution turns blood red.
What causes this colour change?
Has this anything to do with why mammalian blood is coloured red? Explain.

Place 0.1 M iron(II)sulfate solution in a test tube to a depth of 3 cm. Add three drops of hydrogen peroxide solution.

The Fe(H2O)62+ ions that were initially present in the solution become Fe(H2O)63+.

Why is hydrogen peroxide added?
to see the electrochemical series.
Click to see a 120 kb video.

To the test tube with the Fe(H2O)63+solution slowly add ten drops of concentrated hydrochloric acid (HCl). the solution become FeCl41- are formed. The solution turns yellow as shown on the right.

Click to see a 120 kb video.

Preparation of an iron complex.
