Chemical reactions exercises

Wood does not burn on its own. It needs a little help to get it going. Energy must be supplied in the form of a flame in order for the fire to proceed. Oxygen must be present for the wood to burn. Explain why a flame is needed and the reason why burning of wood is considered a chemical reaction?



The baking of a cake can also be considered a chemical reaction. Now chefs use tartaric acid and baking powder to produce carbon dioxide which expands in the heat of the oven and makes the cake rise. Tartaric acid and baking powder are both solids. Mixing them together in the solid state produces no reaction at all. Only when water is added and the powders dissolve will carbon dioxide be produced. Explain this.


Glow Sticks, such as the one pictured on the left, are sold in shops as toys. Is there a chemical reaction behind the Glow Stick? Explain.
