Elements, Compounds and Mixtures

after a chemical reaction

Describe in terms of elements, compounds or mixtures what exists before and after the reaction.

Scan the image for the solution.


The reaction on the right is that of the formation of water according to the reaction below.

Hydrogen + oxygen --> Water

or in chemical terms

2H2 + O2 --> 2H2O


Before the reaction a mixture of elements exists(hydrogen and oxygen). After the reaction a compound exists (water)

Calcium chloride and hydrogen gas are formed from the reaction between calcium metal and hydrochloric acid react according to the reaction below.

calcium + hydrochloric acid--> calcium chloride + hydrogen gas
or in chemical terms
Ca + 2HCl --> H2 + CaCl2


Before the reaction a mixture of elements (calcium) and compounds(hydrochloric acid) exists. After the reaction  a mixture of elements (hydrogen gas) and compounds(calcium chloride) exists.