exercise 4

A current of 1.73 A was passed through the heating coil of a calorimeter for one minute at a potential difference of 6.00 V. The temperature increased from 20.340 to 22.340 degrees Celsius.

N =14, C = 12, O = 16, H =1, K =39

2.45grams of ammonium nitrate was dissolved in a calorimeter and the temperature dropped from 20.34C to an unknown temperature. The equation for the dissociation of ammonium nitrate is given below.

NH4NO3(s) => NH4+(aq) + NO3-(aq) ΔH =+25.2 kJ/mol


a) Calculate the calibration factor of the calorimeter.

b) How much energy is absorbed by 2.45grams of ammonium nitrate?

c) What is the final temperature of the contents of the calorimeter?

