Properties of gases


Hydrogen gas was used in the early 1900s to lift giant dirigibles (air ships). Its use was later banned.
a) What property of hydrogen gas made it useful for use in dirigibles?
b) What property of hydrogen contributed to its decline in the air transport industry?
Click to see a 120kb movie of hydrogen gas and a naked flame.

Click to see a 120kb movie of carbon dioxide gas been poured into a beaker with a lit candle.
What two properties of carbon dioxide can you immediately identify?
Describe what visible changes occur to lime water when carbon dioxide gas is bubbled through it? Click to see a 400kb movie of this.

Oxygen is said to sustain life. What property of oxygen gas is obvious when a glowing splint is brought into contact with it? Click to see 120kb movie of this.


Unlike solids and liquids, the volume of a gas is greatly altered with slight changes in temperature.

What property of a gas changes inside the hot air balloon in order to create lift?
Why is it necessary to launch a hot air balloon during a cold morning?

Describe what is happening to the air molecules as heat is applied to inflate the balloon.

Why is it dangerous to over inflate car tyres during a long drive on a hot, sunny, day?
It is recommended that aerosol cans not be disposed of in incinerators. Why?
Look at the animation below.
Look at the animation on the left and attempt to offer an explanation as to why aerosol cans should not be incinerated
