Greenhouse Effect

Ozone layer-exercises
Questions in red are for senior chemistry

Draw an oxygen molecule and a molecule of ozone. Indicate the bonding and non-bonding pairs.



Suggest why the ozone molecule is so unstable yet the oxygen molecule is stable.

Draw the CFC trichlorofluorocarbon.



Describe the inter-molecular bonding of trichlorofluorocarbon.



Describe the intra-molecular bonding of trichlorofluorocarbon.



Why were CFCs so popular as propellants and coolants?



Describe the steps involved in the breakdown of ozone by trichlorofluorocarbon.



Describe how ozone is formed.



What is a catalyst?



Why is there need for concern for even minute quantities of CFCs in the stratosphere?



Jonathon was talking with Stephen. "It is the hole in the ozone layer that is allowing heat from the sun to enter the atmosphere". Comment on this statement.



How does the depletion of the ozone layer influence global warming?



What is the role played by phytoplankton in global warming?



Where is ozone found?



What is photochemical smog and the role that ozone plays in this smog?