Milk investigation.

Fireworks in milk


Full cream

Time how long it takes for the swirling to cease.

How quickly does the ink spread when the detergent is added?

Are the colours brighter than light milk?

Can you restart the process by adding another drop of detergent? If so how many drops does it take before it no longer responds to detergent?

Light milk

Time how long it takes for the swirling to cease.

How quickly does the ink spread when the detergent is added?

Are the colours brighter than full cream milk?

Can you restart the process by adding another drop of detergent? If so how many drops does it take before it no longer responds to detergent?

Full cream at room temperature

Time how long it takes for the swirling to cease.

How quickly does the ink spread when the detergent is added?

Are the colours brighter than the milk at 60 oC?

Can you restart the process by adding another drop of detergent? If so how many drops does it take before it no longer responds to detergent?

Full cream at 60 oC

Time how long it takes for the swirling to cease.

How quickly does the ink spread when the detergent is added?

Are the colours brighter than the milk at room temperature?

Can you restart the process by adding another drop of detergent? If so how many drops does it take before it no longer responds to detergent?

The colour display can be restarted by simply adding another drop of detergent as shown in the video on the right.

When testing for the difference in the speed of swirling between milk at 60 C compared to milk at room temperature the:

dependent variable is
independent variable is

When testing for the difference in the speed of swirling between full cream milk and low fat milk the:

dependent variable is
independent variable is

The warm milk causes the colours to spread quickly. Why?

Explain :
- why the colours are brighter with full cream milk;

- why the colours appear to be pulled along when detergent is added;

- what is surface tension and why is the surface tension of water so special;

- how do detergents alter surface tension;

- why it is possible to restart one type of milk many times.