The alkynes |
When dealing with molecules which have a triple carbon to carbon bond follow the following steps which are similar to alkenes. 1) Determine the longest chain of carbon atoms that includes the triple bond. 2) Name the carbon atoms so that the triple bond is on the lowest carbon. 3) Each of the substituents and the number of the carbon to which they are attached are placed in the name as prefixes in alphabetical order, followed by the longest
carbon chain and finally the location of the double bond. **notice how in the suffix of the name the "ane" of heptane is replaced with "yne" for heptene. Let's see an example.
The molecule above is given the name propyne. Numbering ( prop-1-yne) is not required here as there is no ambiguity. The triple bond can only go in one place. |
In the presence of multiple triple bonds, however, the following steps are taken: |
Let's see an example |
Name the molecule shown on the left. It is a buta-diyne - number the carbons so that the are on the lowest possible numbered carbons. buta-1,3-diyne (although butadiyne will suffice as there is no ambiguity. The triple bonds can only go on carbon 1 and 3) - identify the substituent groups and the carbon number to which they are attached and add it to the name as a prefix. 2-bromo-4-chlorobuta-1,3-diyne |
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Name the molecule shown on the left. It is a octa-diyne - number the carbons so that the are on the lowest possible numbered carbons. octa-2,6-diyne
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Name the molecule shown on the left. It is a hepta-diyne - number the carbons so that the are on the lowest possible numbered carbons. hepta-1,5-diyne - identify the substituent groups and the carbon number to which they are attached and add it to the name as a prefix. 4-methylhepta-1,5-diyne |
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Name themolecule shown on the left. It is a heptyne - number the carbons so that the are on the lowest possible numbered carbons. hept-2-yne - identify the substituent groups and the carbon number to which they are attached and add it to the name as a prefix. 7-bromo-4-methylhept-2-yne |