Application of knowledge (2017 VCE)

The planet Mars has a similar day and night cycle to Earth and a day on Mars lasts about 24 hrs 40 min. The atmospheric pressure on Mars is less than 1% of Earth’s atmospheric pressure and over 95% of the Mars atmosphere is carbon dioxide. Water, as ice, is found in abundance just below the surface in several locations. The average temperature is –55 °C. The surface temperature may reach 20 °C at the equator and as low as –153 °C at the poles. A company is preparing a proposal to set up a colony on Mars for a government space agency. A major component of the planning stage is ensuring that the energy needed to sustain the colony is available. The colony on Mars is expected to become self-sufficient in energy after six months. The company has identified the need to generate usable energy in the short term and over a longer time period. One suggestion is using biofuels to generate usable energy. Biological organisms would be transported from Earth, along with the equipment needed to generate biogas, bioethanol and biodiesel.




a. Using the chemistry you studied this year and the information above, evaluate the feasibility of this suggestion for meeting the energy needs of a colony on Mars.


b. An alternative suggestion is to use batteries that have the advantage of being recharged using solar energy. State one other advantage of this suggestion. Give a reason for your answer.
