Plastic toy continued.
The two containers are glude together with hot glue.
Step 3 Using a Hot Glue Gun glue the two tubes together as shown. Make sure that the hot glue seals the two tubes together.
Silicone is used to seal the two tubes together.
Use a Silicone Sealant to seal the two tubes together. Silicone glues set with water. If there is no water present the glue will not set. As the glue sets, it uses the water molecules to link the giant silicone molecules (polymers) together. This reaction produces a flexible rubber like substance and in the process vinegar is given off. You can smell the vineager if you open the container. The moisture in the air starts the setting process.The product that is formed as the silicone sets is known as a thermosetting plastic. This plastic will not melt unlike the plastic int he Hot Glue Gun. Plastics that melt are known as thermoplastics.
Go back to STEP 2