Volumetric analysis



1.40 mls
22.22 mls
20.82 mls

A 25 ml sample hydrochloric acid solution was titrated against a 0.045 M sodium carbonate solution. The volume of sodium carbonate solution delivered with the burette is given on the left..

Calculate the concentration of hydrochloric acid in the test sample.

The equation for the reaction is shown below.

Step 1 Calculate the mole of substance delivered from the burette. In this case sodium carbonate.
Mole = Volume(litres) X Concentration
Mole = 0.02082 X 0.045 = 0.0009369 mole of sodium carbonate

Step 2 Using the equation calculate the number of mole of substance in the test sample. In this case HCl.

Mole of HCl = 2 X 0.0009369 = 0,001874

Step 3 Find the concentration of the substance in the test sample. In this case find the concentration of acid in the 25 ml sample

Concentration of HCl = 0.001874 / 0.025 =0.075 M

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