Anomalous Data. Rubric  
Scientific Ability

6 - 5 marks 4 - 3 marks 2 - 1 marks 0 marks
The students is able to make a reasonable prediction based on a relationship or explanation A correct prediction is made that follows from the
relationship or explanation
and incorporates
the assumptions.
A prediction is made that follows from the given explanation or relationship but contains some minor errors. A prediction is made but it does not follow from any given explanation or relationship. No prediction is made
Is able to revise the explanation
of a prediction, or assumptiopns made, based on the results of an experiment.
The revision of the explanation
or assumptions is explained
fully and correctly.
The revision of the explanation or assumptionsis not complete or fully correct and lacking
in some relevant
An attempt is made to explain the observations and revise the explanations
explanation or assumptions,but is mostly incomplete and flawed with incorrect reasoningl.
No attempt is made to revise the explanation or assumptions.