Good experimental design exercise-4

Jonathon was arguing with Stephen when Irene overheard Jonathon say
"When you blow up a balloon its volume and mass increase. When any container expands, its volume and mass increase"
Irene was not convinced and set out to investigate Jonathon's remark. The experiment is shown on the right.

She placed a plastic bottle on a set of scales at room temperature and recorded its mass. She then heated the bottle until it expanded to three times its original size.

What happened to the mass of the air in the bottle?

What happened to the volume of the jar?

The density of the air inside the bottle is calculated by dividing its mass by the volume it occupies. Complete the statement below.

The air inside the bottle, at room temperature, the air inside the bottle when it is heated.

Was this a fair test?

What was the aim of Irene's investigation?

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