Human lungs

A matter of low and high pressure

The lungs operate by changing the pressure inside the chest cavity. The human lungs do not have muscle and can not expand themselves. A thick muscle at the base of the chest cavity, called the diaphragm, contracts and relaxes thus changing the pressure inside the chest cavity to inflate and deflate the lungs.
The elastic sheet at the base is pushed in to deflate the lungs(balloons). Click to see a100kb movie.

Explain how the low pressure is created inside the jar.

Look at the picture above and explain where the areas of low and high pressure exist.

Look at the picture on the right and explain where the areas of low and high pressure exist.

In ancient battle fields a pierced chest cavity meant certain death. Soldiers would suffocate from a lack of oxygen intake. Explain why?

The elastic sheet is pulled down to inflate the lungs(balloons)