Flight Test 10

Dangers of space travel - The absence of air

Which comment is TRUE about air pressure?
The air is thin at sea level. It gets thicker and more dense as we go higher in altitude. The clouds are an example of how thick air is high up in the atmosphere.
Air is made up of space. There is nothing between us and our friend standing next to us.
Air is composed of small molecules that have very little energy and exert NO force at all on the surfaces of objects.
Air is composed of small molecules travelling at incredible speeds and colliding into objects. These molecules have enough force to crush small cans.
The astronaut's space suit must provide oxygen, warmth and cooling. But it also must provide an air pressure that is similar to the air pressure we encounter here on Earth.
Air pressure prevents the astronaut's blood from boiling at body temperature.
Air pressure allows the astronaut to breath more comfortably and cool down when exposed to the Sun.
Air pressure is very important becasue it helps maintain our blood pressure at high levels.
Air pressure is important because it prevents our ear drums from bursting.
Which ONE of the following is TRUE?
The absence of air makes it easy for astronauts to move about in sapce.
In the absence of air things cool down slowly and warm up slowly. Out in space the temperatures are more mild than here on Earth.
Without air there is no sound. The astronaut can not communicate verbally in the absence of air.
In the absence of air, an astronaut stranded out in space can still manage to use his hands to push and reach the Orbiter.

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