DNA profile of two suspects

Below is the DNA profile of two suspects compared against the profile conducted from the skin found on the razor.

Suspect 1 is 1.5 metres tall long straight hair, light brown hair. He is 20 years old and a student at a local university.
Suspect 2 is1.8 metres tall with thick, wavy, light brown hair. He is 42 years old and show signs of grey hair. He is a builder by trade who works and travels in different regions around the country .
The police interviewed the suspects and part of their statements are listed below.

Suspect 2 "I wasn't any where near that place. I was with my friends at a party. I have witnesses."
Suspect 1 " Look mate I visited the place once to see my brother. I haven't seen him for 4 years now. No I certainly wasn't there last night."

According to the evidence, should the police detain any of the suspects for further questioning? Explain .

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