ABO Blood grouping

Blood is made up of red blood cells, white blood cells and platelets floating in a thick liquid called plasma. Plasma has many different giant molecules called proteins floating in it. Some of these proteins are known as antibodies and have a special function. These antibodies protect us from invading germs or foreign objects that get into our system.

When looking at blood under the microscope we can only see the red blood cells, white blood cells and platelets. The antibodies are too small to be visible.

Red blood cells have proteins that protrude from their surface. A red blood cells from an individual can have either an "A", "B", both "A" and "B" or neither "A" or "B". Antibodies known as anti-B cause clumping of cells with a "B" protein and anti-A antibodies cause cells with the "A" protein to clump. This is why we have to be careful when giving blood transfusions to people.

The red blood cells have proteins of specific shape that protrudes from their membrane. Antibodies found in the blood can attach to these proteins and bind the red blood cells together. White blood cells are part of the immune system They defend against germs that invade our bodies. They produce antibodies which figt infection. Platelets are responsible for clotting of the blood. Red blood cells carry oxygen around the body. They have no genetic material.

The ABO blood grouping and EXERCISES
