Flower- reproductive organs.

The picture above shows the male and female sex organs of the flower. The pistil is in the middle of six stamens.Flowers are very brightly colored in order to attract insects and birds. The pollen grains on the pollen sacs get stuck to the body of the bird or insect and are transported to different flowers.

Do you wish to view some pollen grains

Many plants are very good at reproducing by asexual means.That is to say from cuttings and samples from roots. Flowers are the reproductive organs of plants and contain both male and female sex organs.

The pistil represents the female sex organs. It produces a sticky liquid that traps pollen from other flowers of the same species. When the pollen grain lands on the pistil it produces a long tube that carries the sperm to fertilise the ovule (egg).

A stamen consists of pollen sacs and a filament. The pollen sacs produce pollen that are spread by insects, birds and animals to other flowers.

Plants of different species have unique looking pollen. Forensic scientists use pollen grains to identify the type of plant that produced it and the area from which it came from.
