Gear ratio of a compound gear train continued
A compound gear train is one which has two or more gears attached to the same shaft. In actual fact it is a combination of two or more gear trains. See the animation below.

In the example above the gear ratio will be

Gear "D" will turn once for every 16 turns of gear "A"

Notice in the compound gear train on the left that four gears are used and that gears "B" and "C" are fixed together on the same shaft.

When the driver gear "A" makes one complete turn gear "B" turns 1/4 of a full rotation. This also means that gear "C" also turns 1/4 of a full rotation.

Gear "D" will turn through 1/16(1/4 X1/4) of a turn. The gear ratio for this compound gear train is 16:1


