Construction of Hydraulicus

Preparing the syringe

The syringe that drives the turning mechanism will be under a great deal of pressure and water often escapes as a result of the pressure. Careful preparation of this syringe is crucial.

Fasten the plastic tubing by wrapping a flexible wire around the nozzle. Using wire-cutters twist the wire around the nozzle until it is very tight.

The syringe with wire wrapped around the nozzle.
Using plenty of glue, completely cover the point where the tubing and the nozzle contact.
Using silicone glue, or plastic glue(from a hot glue gun) completely seal the tubing and nozzle. Use plenty of glue.
It is important that no air is trapped in this syringe. It will decrease its efficiency. Fill the syringe with water before the turning mechanism is attached.
Fille the syringe with water.
Bleed any air that is found in the tube. This can be done by repeated tapping on the syringe and tube. Air bubbles will eventually rise to the top.
