Optical illusion

curved mirrors

The big jaw syndrome is an illusion formed by a curved mirror.

The optical illusions seen on the left and below are formed with curved mirrors. Yes its all done with mirrors.

The images on the left and below are composed of a real and virtual image.

Look at the curved mirror (below) that formed the images on the right and above.

Discuss how the image is created making sure you mention virtual and real images, convex and concave mirrors.

Optical illusion formed with a curved mirror.
The curved mirror that formed the images above.

The picture on the left shows the curved mirror that formed the images shown on this page.

Click to see the video (120Kb) of the "Lengthening Hand". Explain how the image is formed using the mirror on the left.

You can create a spectacular demonstration of a virtual image in the classroom using a concave mirror. Place the mirror on the floor and have students stand over the mirror and attmep to shake hands with the virtual image of their hand.

Click to see a 120kb video of this stunning effect.
