Multiple images with mirrors

A kaleidoscope is an instrument that produces tesselations from images reflected in mirrors.
In this activity you will need :

-2 mirrors
- protractor

Place the two mirrors at 90o to each other. As the angle between the two mirrors decreases the number of images increases.
Click to see a 120kb movie of how you can multiply your money.

Place the two mirrors at 90o to each other.

Count the number of images produced.

Place the two mirrors at 80o to each other.

Count the number of images produced.

Place the two mirrors at 70o to each other.

Count the number of images produced.

Place the two mirrors at 60o to each other.

Count the number of images produced.

Complete the table by experimentation

Place the two mirrors at 50o to each other.


Count the number of images produced.
Place the two mirrors at 40o to each other. Count the number of images produced.
Develop a formula that relates the degree of separation of the two mirrors with the number of images produced .

12 images are produced by the two mirrors pictured ont he right. What is the degree of separation of the two mirrors?


How many images will be produced if the angle between the mirrors was 10o?
Draw up a table of results.
Graph your results on an appropriate set of axis.
Label the axis and draw a line of best fit.
Is this a straight line? What is the relationship between the angle of the mirrors to each other and the number of images produced?
What are the dependent and independent variables?


Clear section of glass. Cancle on one side of the glass placed equal distance from the glass as the burning candle on the other side. Burning candle on the other side of the glass. Reflected image of flame. Unlit candle Burning candle Clear glass