The untrustworthy brain
You get up in the morning and open the window to view the world around you. Your brain takes in inputs from your senses and manipulates them to give you a trusted view of the world. Or so you think. Do you trust your brain? Is the world exactly as you see it? The brain has evolved to take in little information and make assumption about what it sees. Take the picture on the right for example. It shows two yellow bars. The bar on top looks bigger, but in actual fact they are the same size. The brain creates useful perceptions that not always comply with reality. The brain has learnt that parallel lines converge in the distance. When the top yellow line is viewed the brain is in conflict. It is sent a message from he eyes that show a distant object the same size as the an object closer to the person. It immediately assumes that the yellow line in the distance is obviously bigger since it it appears the same size as the perceived closer line. |
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Let's look at some examples. Look at the image on the right. There are two panels, a white and grey. In actual fact, both panels are the same shade of grey. It is an example of how the brain uses shadows to make decisions of the world. The brain is sent an image of both panels having the same shade, however, it interprets that the bottom panel should be in shade and therefore should be darker than the top. Since it is not, the brain perceives the bottom panel as being of lighter colour than the top. The transition between the two panels is drawn to give the impression that the bottom panel is in shade. If you cover the transition between the two panels, using your finger, you will see that they are exactly the same.
Another example of the brain using shadows to make decisions is shown on the right. The ball always moves diagonally from bottom left to top right. By using the position of the shadow we can make the ball bounce or take-off. In a world with only one light source the brain has evolved to use shadows as a foolproof way of gauging the movement of objects.
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Colour is also a construct of the brain. Colour is constructed by the brain and does not exist in nature. We know this from studying people who have sustained brain damage to key areas of the brain and have lost the ability to interpret what the eye sees as colour. Perception of motion can also prove to be very tricky. Are objects traveling clockwise or anticlockwise? Can we be sure? Or does it depend on how we view the rotating objects. Well let's see the video on the right. |
sourced from at 10.00pm 24/07/20 |
Look at the two tables on the right. You would think I was crazy if I said both table tops are exactly the same. Click to see that they are. The brain interprets the receding lines of table A as being long. While the horizontal lines of table B are not interpreted as being long. |
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Consider the shadow cast on the wall when purple light is used to illuminate a person. A green shadow is formed but there is no green light, it is actually grey. It is the brain interpreting this colour. Click to see how the grey appears to change in intensity as the purple background fades and reappears. The shade of grey does not actually change. | ![]() |
The brain treats horizontal and vertical lines differently. Take a look at the image on the right. The vertical line looks longer than the horizontal line. Right? You tell me. Click to see | ![]() |
If you stare at the spiral and then avert your eyes, a stationary object will appear to be moving in the opposite rotation. Try it. Stare at the spiral for 20 seconds then click on the spiral to a see a picture of clouds. This happens because in the visual cortex of the brain there are cells that respond to specific directions of motion. So, when a person looks at an object moving downward such as a waterfall, that person's downward receptors are in action. Let's say he stares at the downward motion long enough for those cells to become fatigued and then looks at a stationary object, like the rocks on the side of the waterfall, the rocks appear to be moving upwards. The upward receptors dominate as a result of fatigue of the downward receptors. This phenomenon is known as an after affect. A combination spiral is made up of two spirals with lines going in opposite directions. When this combination spiral is rotated, apparent expansion and contraction occur. |
Contrast |
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Here are some more illusions Consider the two rectangles shown on the right. Are they parallel to each other? |
Is the brown square pointed to by the black arrow, and the orange square, in the shaded part of the cube, different? Click to try one more |
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How different are the two dogs shown on the right? Are they? |
Print out hard copy document Continue with "The optic nerve and brain interpretation" |
How does the brain interpret converging lines? Why is the shadow used by the brain to give an accurate description of an object's motion? How does the brain treat vertical lines as compared to horizontal lines? With only 400 different wavelengths in the visible spectrum our choice of colour seems limited. However the brain can distinguish over one million different colours. Explain how. What is lateral inhibition? What is the advantage of lateral inhibition? Explain why after looking at a rotating spiral still images appear to move in the opposite direction to the motion of the rotating spiral. |
Continue with more illusions | |
Read my lips. Do we really hear with our eyes? An example of how dominant the sense of sight is over the sense of hearing view the video on the right. Look at the person speaking and try to make out what he is saying. Now close your eyes and listen to the sound. It is totally different than the sound you hear when you look at the person speaking. Sight can alter the perception of clear sounds when the visual inputs are mismatched with the auditory inputs. One tends to think of speech perception as an auditory process, however, as this demonstration shows, we use more information than we are aware of to make sense of sound. Often the many inputs to the the brain are processed in an immediate and unconscious manner. Visual information of facial movements coupled with touch and audible signals are used to interpret the spoken language. So when recognising speech the brain cannot differentiate whether it is seeing or hearing the incoming signals. This phenomenon increases the ability to decipher heard speech in a noisy environment. |
sourced from at 9.05 24/07/2020 |