Investigating electromagnets.

How strong can you make an electromagnet?
Is it the amount of electrical current that determines the strength of the magnet?
Can we make a stronger magnet using the same battery?
Do the number of loops of wire make a difference tot he strength of the magnet?
Can we adjust the strength of the magnet?


Lets investigate the question

- Is the strength of the magnet relative to the number of loops of wire on the iron core?

What you will need is a:
- 1 m long thin wire;
- 1 large iron nail;
- box of paper clips;
- battery

View the video on the right. It shows an electromagnet picking up paper clips. As the electrical engineer for RAZPAPERCLIPS you wish to create an automated system where roughly 900 paper clips are placed in a box every time. You will have to use an electromagnet.Conduct the experiment below and see how you would construct an electromagnet, working from a 6V battery, that will deliver about 900 paper clips every time.



Fill in the table below.

Number of loops of wire Number of paper clips picked up off the table

Is there a relationship between the number of loops and the strength of the magnet?
Graph the result on an appropriate set of axis.
is there a limit to how strong your magnet can be using one battery?
What is the dependent variable in this investigation?
What is the independent variable?
What are your controls?
What number of loops will lift 900 paper clips into the box?


Graph the results on an appropriate set of axis using the graph below.


Design an investigation to determine the effect of current on the force.

Does the width of wire have an influence on the force created? Design an investigation.
