Magic of neuroscience Saccadic eye movement |
The human eyes can perform two distinctive forms of motion. Rapid movement of the eye from one fixation point to another, known as saccadic movement, and smooth pursuit eye movements which are much slower and allow us to stabilize the images from moving objects on the retina, thereby enabling us to perceive the moving objects in detail. Contrary to saccades during which vision is highly deteriorated, vision is maintained during smooth pursuit. It is well-known and intriguing that smooth eye movements normally cannot be induced voluntarily but require a continuously moving object in the visual field. |
Hold a mirror level with your eyes. Ask someone to watch your eyes as you gaze in the mirror changing your focus from your left eye to your right eye and back again.
Did you observe any change in your eye movement? Did the observer notice any change in your eye movement? Explain. |
Continue with the French Drop trick |