Directed numbers

Adding and subtracting numbers.

But just imagine that Jonathon has $5 but owes $10 to Stephen. After Jonathon pays Stephen $5 he will still owe him another $5. We can write this mathematically. If Jonathon has $5 then we say he has +$5 but if he owes $5 we say he has -$5. So we will use the negative sign(-) to mean money owed or money given away.

Do the following exercises.
Write a methematical expression for the following situations.

Mathematical expression
Jonathon owes $10 to Stephen. Jonathon's dad gives him $20. If Jonathon pays Stephen how much money does he have.
Stephen has $30 but he spends $2 on a toy and gives $10 to his brother.
Peter has no money but owes Stephen $30 and Jonathon $29.
Peter owes Stephen $20 and Jonathon $5. He earns $30 and spends $3 on an icecream. How much money does Peter have?

