Pupa camouflage

Influence of background colour on the final colour of the pupa.

The pupa can display several different colour
patterns. But it is unclear when and how the caterpillar selects the eventual colour of the pupa. The aim of this experiment is to find out if the background colour influences the colour of the pupa.


The pupa is well camouflaged in amongs its surroundings.

Select 4 caterpillars nearing pupation. Isolate each caterpillar in containers painted in green, brown, red and blue colours respectively.

Provide each caterpillar with a small branch with just one leaf to provide it with food. Minimise the amount of leaves as this will effect the background colour.

Keep all four caterpillars at the same temperature


Does the colour of the background effect the colour of the chrysalis?

How good is the chrysalis camouflaged in each background?

Do you think the number of caterpillars is enough to make definite conclusions?


Home of butterflies