
Good experimental technique

Leaf cells.

Leaf cells contain small organelles called chloroplasts. Chloroplasts contain chlorophyll and are the sites within the leaf cells where photosynthesis takes place. White light is made up of many different colours. It is important for us to know what colour or colours plants need in order to photosynthesise.

Design an experiment to answer the following questions.

Do green plants need green light to photosynthsize?

What colour (or wavelength of light) do plants need in order to photosynthesise?

Points to consider when setting up your experiment.
- Record all your results in a table and create a graph.
- Make sure it is a controlled experiment with only one variable.Variables are the factors in the experiment that change. In this situation we will investigate the effect of different coloured light on the growth rate of plants.Our variable is colour, everything else stays the same, such as water, nutrients, soil, amount and duration of light.

Obtain several small plants that grow quickly and pieces of different coloured cellophane. Set up your experiment.

Write up your experiment under the following categories.

Heading - Title of the experiment.
Aim - One sentence of what you are trying to achieve.
Apparatus - All the materials used.
Procedure - A recipe of how you conducted the experiment.
Results - Tables and graphs of all your measurements.
- Interpreting your results and discussing errors and modifications you would make if you were to do the experiment again.
Conclusion - A one line statement that answers the aim.

Home of butterflies

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