
Titration is a chemical procedure that is used to identify how much substance is dissolved in a given volume. In other words how concentrated a solution is.
This method is commonly used to test the concentration of acid solutions. A sample of the acid solution is taken and a chemical that reacts with the acid(base) is delivered accurately from the burette. Acids react with bases to neutralise each other. The reaction is represented below.

The acid is a chemical that gives away protons to chemicals that take them.The chemicals that take protons are called bases and are sometimes negatively charged. Click for more information onthe reaction between acids and bases.

The more base that is delivered from the burette the more acid that was present in the volume of test solution.

This procedure is very accurate and care must be taken not to contaminate the equipment with water or other chemicals when cleaning.

Try the following exercise

"Concentrated solutions of acid are very strong indeed."

Is this correct? Read on and complete this exercise

How to conduct a titration exercise


The solution in the burette contains a compound that will react with the substance in the  test solution. The concentration of the solution in the burette is known EXACTLY. The valve is opened and closed to allow the liquid inside the burette to flow. The chemical in the test solution is reacting with the  chemical from the burette.