Volume of gas vs temperature

Below is a conversation between John and Stephen.
"I heard that the warmer the Earth gets the more carbon dioxide that builds up in the atmosphere. Why is that so?"

John "As the World's oceans heat up, the amount of carbon dioxide that can dissolve in them decreases. A greater amount of carbon dioxide remains in the atmosphere to absorb heat and act as a Green House Gas"

Stephen " No! cold water can hold less gas than warm water."

John " I don't think so."

Design an experiment to investigate the relationship between the volume of gas that can dissolve in a fixed volume of water compared to the temperature of the water.

Commercially available carbonated drinks have a certain amount of carbon dioxide dissolved in a certain volume of water. The best way to conduct this experiment is to take several 1.25L bottles of the same drink and measure the amount of gas that escapes when the bottle is opened.

Aim - to investigate how temperature influences the amount the carbon dioxide dissolved in a fixed volume of water.

Obtain the following:
- 8 X 1.25L bottles of Coke (any other type of drink will do).
- 50cm of aquarium tubing
- balloon
- pair of scissors
- sticky tape

- 100ml measuring cylinder


2 bottles at 2oC
2 more at 10oC
2 more at 20oC
2 more at 40oC

Construction of the gas collecting apparatus.

Cut a hole in the balloon as shown on the right. Place the aquarium tubing through the hole.

Secure the tubing to the balloon with sticky tape.
The complete gas collecting apparatus is shown on the right.