Bernoulli's project
Our lungs are designed to cope with an extraordinary amount of air flow, especially during heavy exercise. The tube that directs air into and out from our lungs is called the trachea. This tube is supported by rings of cartilage. The rings of cartilage continue to support the airways even as they divide into incredibly small tubes.

A tracheole is cut open revealing the rings of cartilage that support it. Note how this tracheole divides even further into smaller and smaller tubes. Click to see a 120kb movie of the millions of alveoli inflating in a real lung.


Using Bernoulli's Law explain why the rings of cartilage are crucial to our survival.

Without the rings of cartilage heavy exercise would be impossible. Explain.

In terms of low pressure and high pressure explain how the human lungs works.

An alveolus. All tiny tracheoles end up as alveoli. This is where oxygen  and carbon dioxide exchange occurs The alveolus where gas is exchanged. A blood vessel carrying deoxygented blood to the alveolus.