Flight Test 9

Newton's 3rd Law

Newton's third Law of Motion states that "Every action has an equal and opposite reaction"

Which ONE comment below is TRUE?
What this states is that for every fast flowing body of air there is an equal amount of slow flowing air opposing it.
The exhaust gases escaping from a rocket provide the force known as the action and the reaction is the movement upwards which is equal and opposite to the exhuast gases.
A propeller plane uses its propeller to push air back and this is known as the reaction and the action is the movement forwards.
None of the above comments are aTRUE.
A balloon is filled with a certain volume of hot air and released. The same balloon is filled with exactly the same volume of air as before but this time the air was cold.
Which one of the following is TRUE.
Since the volume of air was exactly the same in both balloons than the speed of each balloon must also have been the same.
The hot air makes the balloon expand while the cold air makes the balloon shrink. A small balloon is easier to push through the air.
The hot air in the balloon had more energy so when it was released it could push the balloon further.
The cold air made the balloon go faster because the air escaping was denser than the hot air and provided a greater force (action) which pushed the balloon forward(reaction)
Which comment below is TRUE?
A jet plane sucks in air into its turbines and as a result pulls itself forwards.
A rocket sucks in air and burns the fuel to create hot gases. These hot gases are lighter than air and lift the rocket high off the ground
A boy stands on wooden floor boards. The boy exerts a force down on the floor boards and the floor boards exert an equal and opposite force back up.
A plane can produce the same force at seal level as it can in outer space.