Straight line formulae.
Under constant acceleration

v = Final velocity
u= Initial velocity
a = Acceleration
t = Time.
d = Distance

v = u+ at
d = ut + (1/2)at2
d = ((u + v)/2)t
v 2 = u2 + 2ad
Lets not worry how these formulae were derived. Lets simply get straight into using them with some examples.

The steps you should follow for each example are:
Step 1 - collect the data
Step 2 - choose the appropriate formula
Step 3 - give each pronumeral its respective value
Step 3 - solve for the required variable.


How long does it take for a car to cover 60m from a standing start, with a constant acceleration of 3.0m/s/s?

Extra exercises of a similar nature to this one.


u = 0m/s(Standing start)
d = 60m
a = 3.0m/s/s
t =?
Look at the data and choose a formula

Formula and solution

d = ut + (1/2)at2
60 =0 + 0.5 X 3 X t2
=> 60/1.5 = t2
=> square root of (40) = t
=> t = 6.32s

A car can brake in an emergency with an acceleration of -9m/s/s. If the car is travelling at 27.7m/s in a straight line, what will be the distance it travels from the time the brakes are applied until it comes to rest? u = 27.7m/s
d = ?
a = -9.0m/s/s
v = 0m/s
(it stops)

v 2 = u2 + 2ad

0 =(27.7)2 + 2 X -9 X d
=> -767.3 = -18d
=>-767.3/-18 =42.63m => d = 42.63m

A car is travelling at 4.0m/s due north, when the driver suddenly presses the accelerator to the floor. Ten seconds later he takes his foot off the accelerator and notices his speed is 40.0m/s. What is the acceleration of the vehicle during this period of time.

u = 4.0m/s
a = ?
v = 40m/s
t =10s

v = u+ at
40.0 = 4.0 + a X 10
36.0 = 10a
3.6m/s/s = a
A car travels along a straight road and passes a checkpoint at a speed of 23m/s. 23 seconds later it passes a second checkpoint travelling at 32m/s. How far apart are the two checkpoints? u = 23m/s
a = ?
v = 32m/s
t =23s
d = ((u + v)/2)t
d = ((23 + 32)/2)23
d = 27.5 X 23
d = 632.5m
Try this demonstration
