Magic of Science



From rags to riches

After performing this trick:

- Explain what is an alloy.?
- Give a two uses of an alloy?.
- What mixtures are the following metals made of?

Skills and concepts

Making accurate observations of chemical change.

Alloys and their uses

The metal changes colour very quickly when heated. A good rags-to-riches story line when performing this trick is always necessary.




Genie in a bottle

What is a catalyst?
What is an exothermic reaction?
Use the words catalyst and exothermic to explain how this trick works.

Skills and concepts
Making accurate observations of chemical change.

How catalysts speed up chemical reactions.

Exothermic reactions-chemical reactions that give off heat energy.

Notice how quickly the reaction proceeds when a catalyst is added. This should give you some idea as to the function of a catalyst.

What is the gas given off in this demonstration?




A good way of providing greater interest in this trick is to obtain an old bottle, as shown on the right and have the reaction magically take place as soon as the bottle is opened, to better simulate the genie escaping.

One way to get the reaction quickly started as soon as the cap is removed is to secure a small satchel containing the catalyst to the inside of the bottle that drops into the bottle when the cap is removed.. Click to see.

The reaction should proceed quickly after that simulating the escaping genie.


The Magic Wine Glass

This trick has a number of chemical reactions taking place. Explain how each change of liquid works.

Skills and concepts

Simple introduction to acids/base reactions as chemical reactions that involve a transfer of a proton from an acid to a base and indicators as chemicals that change colour in the presence of an acid or a base..

Simple introduction to redox reactions as reactions that involve electron transfer.


The Magic Serpent

Explain how this trick works using the terms:
- exothermic reaction
- catalyst

Skills and concepts

How catalysts speed up chemical reactions.

Exothermic reactions-chemical reactions that give off heat energy.


The Never Ending Thread

Explain how this trick works using the terms:
- monomer
- polymer
- copolymer
- polymerisation reaction
- condensation polymerisation


Skills and concepts

Introduction to polymerisation reactions.


Fireworks in Milk

Explain how this trick works
Does the temperature of the milk have any effect on how well this trick works?
Does using skim milk make any difference?
What is a surfactant?
How does the drop of detergent start the fireworks?

Skills and concepts

Surfactants and how they work.

Surface tension.

How do detergents work.

Individual investigations.


The Forbidden Wine

What is pH?

What is an indicator?

How are indicators used?

What properties of carbon dioxide make this trick work?

What is phenolphthalein?

Why is phenolpthalein used?

Is Na2CO3 an acid or a base? Explain.

How does the water turn clear?

Explain how this trick works using the terms, acid, base, pH, indicator and give all appropriate chemical reactions.

Skills and concepts

Making accurate observations of chemical change.



Properties of carbon dioxide


Lighting matches the easy way.

Explain how this trick works.

Is any type of smoke flammable?



Storm in a test tube.
The magic cloth

Skills and concepts
Making accurate observations of chemical change.

-redox reactions

- acid/base reactions

The power of water Skills and concepts

Explaining observations of chemical reactions using collision theory and actrivation energy.

- collision theory
- activation energy

The oscillating drinks.

Coke or water.

Champagne - coke - water


Skills and concepts
Making accurate observations of chemical change.

-redox reactions