Dynamic Science Education Home Page


Hydraulicus $123 + postage + gst
An excellent resource for the study of hydraulics, simple machines, forces and levers. Each kit contains material for the construction of ten hydraulic models and a manual with instructions and excellent worksheets.
View Hydraulicus movie?
Visit our Simple Machines site for an excellent online curriculum.
Rockets $123 + postage + gst

A safe way to explore many aspects of flight, forces and energy.
Each kit contains material for the construction and launch of ten model rockets.

Extra engines (pkt of ten)
Includes igniters and fire proof wadding) are $78 + postage + gst.
View the building instructions
Flight Kit $120 + postage + gst
The kit includes 10 rubber band propeller planes ready to assemble. An excellent resource for the study of flight and energy conversions.

Put-Put boats $85 + postage + gst
The kit includes 16 steam operated Pot-Pot boats. A dynamic and motivating resource for the study of energy, forces, states of matter and more. Experience the power of steam first hand.

Click to see a movie of the Put-Put boat in action.
Click to see a sample of the worksheets available online.